About Us

The Speech Lab was established to help provide crucial speech therapy services to kids and their families within the Inner West and South East areas of Sydney. Comprehensive assessments and intervention services are provided within a fun and nurturing environment. A key focus is placed on delivery a holistic and family-focused service. We are passionate about enabling all our clients to reach their potential and work in close contact with all those involved in the care of each child to ensure this is achieved.

Emlyn Walker – Principal Speech Pathologist BAppSc(SpPath),MSPA

Emlyn has been helping children with their speech, language and communication development for over 8 years. She has worked within Australia and internationally transforming how children speak, play and interact with their family and friends.

Emlyn specialises in providing focused and comprehensive assessments for children in the following areas; speech and articulation difficulties, late talkers, preschool and school-aged language delays, literacy difficulties, stuttering, and children with special needs such as Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Emlyn has been trained in the Spalding Method, PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), DIR Floortime and Connect Therapy.

Emlyn is passionate about achieving the best results for each individual and works hard to capitalise on their interests and learning styles to enable them to reach their highest potential.