
The Speech Lab provides speech therapy services to kids and adolescents who may be experiencing difficulties in a variety of different areas. We advise parents to contact The Speech Lab no matter how big or small their concerns are. We are able to help and direct parents on the best course of action.

Early intervention is vital for any child who may be experiencing difficulties with the speech and communication development, as there can be lifelong challenges if these difficulties are left untreated. While speech pathology intervention is most important in the early stages of a child’s development, we are able to help at any stage.

The Speech Lab prides itself on delivering exceptional speech therapy services in a fun and caring atmosphere. We provide assessments and intervention services for the following areas:

  • Speech and Articulation

    Helping children to say speech sounds accurately and improving their speech clarity.

  • Receptive Language

    Understanding verbal and written information, and developing a child’s listening skills, such as following directions.

  • Expressive Language

    Helping kids to develop their vocabulary, to build their words into sentences both verbally and written, and to apply grammar rules accurately.

  • Auditory Processing Disorders

    Helping children who have been diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder to overcome their difficulties in listening to and understanding the information they hear particularly in the presence of background noise.

  • Stuttering

    Helping kids to overcome and eliminate the difficulties they can experience in keeping their speech fluent and smooth.

  • Literacy Difficulties

    Helping children who are having difficulty in developing their reading, writing and spelling skills.

  • Learning Difficulties

    Helping kids who have been diagnosed with a learning difficulty to overcome this difficulty.

  • Voice Disorders

    Helping children to overcome their voice difficulties and teaching them techniques to avoid long term harm.

  • Social Skills

    Helping to develop children’s peer interaction skills such as making friends and taking turns.

  • Special needs; Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Delays, Down Syndrome

    Helping to develop specialised intervention programs that address the key goals for developing each individual’s speech, communication and social needs.

The Speech Lab also works closely with adults, preschool carers and school-aged children, to provide services in the following areas.


  • Stuttering
  • Speech and articulation
  • Accent modification
  • Other communication difficulties


  • Preschool based assessment and intervention services
  • Free screenings to aid the early identification of children who may be at risk for speech, language, and social difficulties
  • Parent information presentations
  • Teacher training and information presentations


  • Comprehensive assessments for speech, language and literacy development
  • Individual intervention sessions for speech, language and literacy skills
  • Teacher and programming support to help aid students with communication difficulties
  • Teacher and parent information presentations